Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Montgomery County Traffic Official Urging Mandatory Seat Belt Law

A Montgomery County Police Captain is urging Maryland lawmakers to support a bill that would require anyone who rides in a car in Maryland to wear a seat belt. The official’s 15 year old son was killed in a car accident two years ago. The bill is being heard in a House committee, according to myfoxdc.com.

Under the law, car passengers in Maryland could receive a $25 ticket for failing to buckle up. The police officer could use discretion in deciding whether to ticket the driver, the passenger or passengers, or both. Police officers would be allowed to pull over vehicles for the sole reason that someone in the car is not buckled in. Currently, there are already 20 states, plus the District of Columbia, that require anyone who rides in a car to wear a seat belt.

Seat belt use is at an all-time high in this country, with about 88 percent of people buckling up regularly. However, some groups are still less likely to wear seat belts, including teens. Studies have shown that seat belts are the single best traffic safety device for preventing death or injury, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Seat belt use can reduce the risk of crash injuries by 50 percent.

Have you been injured in a Maryland automobile accident caused by a negligent driver? If so, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Call the Maryland car accident attorneys at Alpert Schreyer, LLC today at 301-932-9997 for a free consultation about your accident. Our personal injury lawyers are dedicated to helping our clients hold negligent parties liable.

1 comment:

  1. I just wish that someday that law will be mandatory in all cities. Seat belt will save our lives if anything bad happen. I am just so happy that Montgomery County traffic official is making some action about it.

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